Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Behind the Curtain

Chapter 2 - Ein Dorshin

First Mishnah:
The laws of Forbidden unions may not be taught among three people,(Teacher, 2 students) Nor Maaseh Bereishis (Wisdom of the natural world) be taught between two people (Teacher & Student) Nor Merkavah (Wisdom of metaphysical world) be studies by one person unless that person was a scholar who could arrive at an understanding on his own.

Whoever scrutinizes these four things would have better for him had he never come into the world:
1. What is above
2. What is below
3. What is before
4. What is after

And whoever has no heed for the creator, it would have been better for him had he never come into the world.

[I have visions of the line from the Wizard of OZ... "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." The mishnah (and later expounded in the gemara)clearly maintains that the study of the "workings of what goes on behind the curtain" should be taught in a precise way, and should not be undertaken until one has studied the "prerequisites".]

- Chagigah 11b


lxr23g56 said...

Hi there, lovely blog you've got started here. I must admit that I was somewhat surprised to see myself in your blogroll, pleasantly surprised that is so thank you.

I will try to add you to mine little later today.

Gruven Reuven said...

What can I say... I love your blog... We also share a similar frustration. (I'm trying to get my adopted kids a halachic conversion)

Me being a Chabadnik, you know where I'm coming from.