Sunday, April 22, 2007

Two Paths

R'Meir said:
Whenever the Holy one, Blessed be he, created, he created something else corresponding to it: He created mountains, he created hills. He created oceans, he created rivers.

R'Akiva said:
G-D created righteous persons, and he created wicked persons. He created Gan Eden (Heaven) and he created Gehinnom (hell). Each and every person has two portions, one in Gan Eden, and one in Gehinnom. When a righteous person merits, he takes his portion and his peer's portion in Gan Eden. When a wicked person becomes guilty, he takes his portion and his peer's portion in Gehinnom.

[What the Gemara is saying is that a righteous person introduces virtue in this world, and thereby makes the world a better place for everyone in it. His good deeds entice others to do good as well. On the flip side, a wicked person bring evil into the world and entices others to do evil. He is held accountable for his sins and those that were enticed by him. A wicked man is only rewarded in this world for the good deeds he has done. He is not rewarded in the world to come. A righteous person, received his reward in the world to come.

G-D gives us free will, and created dual options for us. He sets before us two paths. It's up to us to follow the path of righteous. In doing so, our reward will be eternal]

- Chagigah 15a

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