Thursday, April 26, 2007

Tumah & Taharah

[The Gemara for the rest of the mesechta reviews the laws pertaining to Tumah (Ritual Impurity) and Taharah (Ritual Purity)]

Rav Nachman said: Whoever rinses his hands for produce (not bread) he is from the Haughty of Sprit.

[This is because by Rabbinic decree, whoever eats bread is obligated to wash their hands before eating. (Netilas Yadayim) The fact that someone washes their hands when they are not eating bread, it is Rav Nachman describes as acting haughty since washing is not required -- The Gemara is talking about the spiritual washing of hands]

The Rabbis taught in a Baraisa: One who rinses his hands, if he had intention (for making his hands pure) his hands are Tahor (Pure). If he did not have intentions (for making his hands pure) his hands are Tamei (Contaminated by Tumanh, Ritual Impurity and capable of spreading the impurity). And so too one who immerses his hands (in a mikvah), if he had intention (for Purity) then his hands are Tahor (Pure). If he did not have intention, his hands remain Tamei (Impure).

[The Gemara now questions this ruling]

But it was taught in another Baraisa: Whether he had intentions or not, his hands are Tahor (Pure).

Rav Nachman explains: (that there is no contradiction between the two Baraisot as in the later Baraisa the hands are purified) For Chullin (Ordinary unsanctified foods, where as the first Baraisa is talking about) For Maaser (one 10th of a farmers crop, brought for an offering).

[By this Rav Nachman is eluding to the higher the level of Holiness, the stronger the intention must be

From the Shulchan Aruch:
For Washing before eating Bread one must wash with full handfuls of water (Liberal amounts) you hold the vessel containing the water in your left hand and wash the right hand first three times from wrist to finger tips. Then you hold the vessel in your right hand and wash the left hand three times from wrist to finger tips. After you wash both hands, rub them together and rasie them opposite your head as it is said in Psalms 134:2 "Lift up your hands" and recite the following blessing... Asher Kiddeshanu bemitzvosav vetzivanu al natilas yadayim (Who has sanctified us with the commandments and has commanded us regarding washing the hands)]

- Chagigah 18b/19a

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