Thursday, April 12, 2007

G-D's sympathy

The Rabbis taught in a Baraisa: The Holy One, Blessed is he, weeps for three types of people every day:

(Rabbeinu Chanael explains the Baraisa means that G-D List these three types of People that should be wept over by others every day)

1. One who is able to occupy himself with Torah Study but doesn't

2. One who is unable to occupy himself with Torah Study but does!

3. And Over a communal leader who behaves arrogantly towards the community.

(Where points number 1 & 3 are self explanatory, point number 2 is a bit puzzling. Shouldn't G-D be happy with one who is unable to study Torah but does so anyway? The Baraisa teaches us that G-D shares the pain of the person who exerts himself and studies Torah in the most difficult set of circumstances. As it is states in Psalm 91:15 "I am with him in distress". Thus G-D is weeping is in sympathy for the harsh circumstances which causes a Torah Scholar to suffer)

- Chagigah 5b


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Hello. And Bye.

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