Wednesday, July 4, 2007

..on Marriage

R'Tanchum said in the name of R'Chani'lai: Any man who does not have a wife, lives without happiness, without Blessing, and without goodness.

Without happiness as it is written: and you shall rejoice, and your household [Deuteronomy 14:26 The word household is analogous to one's wife]

Without blessing as it is written: to bring a blessing to rest upon your home [Ezekiel 44:30]

Without goodness, as it is written: It is not good that man be alone (I will make him a helpmate) [Genesis 2:18]

In Eretz Yisrael they say: An unmarried man lives without Torah and without a protective wall.

Without Torah, as it is written: Is my own helpmate not with me? Is wisdom to be thrust aside from me? [Job 6:13]

Without a protective all, as it is written: An you will know that your tent is at peace and you will visit your home and find nothing amiss [Job 5:24]

R' Yehoshua ben Levi said: Any man who knows that his wife is a G-D fearing woman but does not visit with her (conjugally) is called a "Sinner". For it says: An you will know that your tent is whole (and you will visit your home and you will not sin)

Rabbis Taught in a Baraisa: One who loves his wife like his own self, and who honors her more than his own self, and who guides his sons and daughters on the straight path, and who marries then off close to their age (of Puberty). Concerning him Scripture states: and you will know that your tent is at peace.

- Yevamos 62b